What are various combinations of try-catch=finally?

1.Whenever we are writing try block, compulsory we should write catch or finally.

2.Whenever we are writing catch block compulsory we should write try block

    that catch is without try is invalid

3.Whenever we are writing finally block compulsory we should write try block.

    Finally without try is invalid.

4.In try-catch-finally, order is important.

5.'try' with multiple catch blocks is valid but the order is important,

    compulsory we should take from child to parent. If we are trying to take from

    parent to child then we will get compile time error.

6.If we are defining two catch blocks for the same exception we will get

    compile time error.

7.We can define try-catch-finally within the try, with in the catch, and with in

    finally blocks. Hence nesting of try-catch-finally is valid.

Google Script for Data Entry Form in Google Spreadsheet

// function to validate the entry made by user in user form function validateEntry (){ // declare a variable and referernece of active goog...