Can we Overload main() method?

Question: Can we Overload main() method?
Case 1:
Overloading of the main method is possible but JVM will always call String[]
argument main method only. The other overloaded method we have to call
explicitly then it will be executed just as a normal method call.

Class Test{
    public static void main(String[] args)
//Overloaded Method
    public static void main(int[] args)

Case 2:
Inheritance concept applicable for the main method.
Hence while executing child class if child class doesnt contain main method
then parent class main method will be executed.
Class Parent{
    Public static void main(String[] args)
     System.out.println(“parent main”);
Class Child extends Parent

Case 3:
It seems overriding concept is applicable for main method but
it is not overriding, it is method hiding.

Class Parent{
    Public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println(“parent main”);
Class Child extends P{
    System.out.println(“child main”);

Note: For main method inheritance and overloading concepts are applicable
but overriding concept is not applicable instead of overriding,
method hiding is applicable.

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