
 class Bank{
float ROI(){
return 0;

class CBI extends Bank{
float ROI() {
return 6.3f;
class Axis extends Bank{
float ROI(){
return 7.4f;
class BOI extends Bank{
float ROI(){
return 6.8f;

public class TestUpCasting{
public static void main(String args[]){
Bank b;
b = new CBI();
System.out.println("Rate of Interest of CBI is = "+b.ROI());
b = new Axis();
System.out.println("Rate of Interest of Axis is = "+b.ROI());
b = new BOI();
System.out.println("Rate of Interest of BOI is = "+b.ROI());

Google Script for Data Entry Form in Google Spreadsheet

// function to validate the entry made by user in user form function validateEntry (){ // declare a variable and referernece of active goog...